I'm Asif, and I'm all about understanding people. The name Listen Labs comes from a core recognition that all growth comes from Listening first. I’ve always searched for that one thing that I was born to do; I’ve found it.

With 20 years in tech, I'm a User Experience Executive and authority on International Research, also investing in startups as a Fractional Chief Experience Officer.

But titles aside, I'm here to guide you. Whether you're a leader, team, or company, let's uncover your potential.

Research is a cross-disciplinary responsibility, an experience that informs intuition, and an art that changes minds and hearts. Researchers are built to be leaders.

If I told you that there was a person out there who had an uncanny ability to connect with people, a genuine desire to learn, the analytical brain of a scientist, the creativity of an artist, and pragmatism to get the job done — wouldn’t you say that person would be a fantastic leader?

Researchers are all this, and yet we continue to limit ourselves to gathering data and validating perspectives. Don’t get me wrong, there’s value in rigor and validation. But there’s so much more we have to give.

Researchers are built to be cross-disciplinary powerhouses.

I’m here to ensure that you are heard and then using the insight we gain together we will experiment (with labs!) and grow. Let’s go on a journey of self-discovery, skill appreciation, network development, and dreaming a bigger dream together. Trust me and trust yourself — you can get there. Read on and you’ll see how to work with me.


Coaching & Mentoring Researchers

Mentor, Coach, & Confidant for
User Experience Professionals

I’ve been there. I worked tirelessly to prove my worth within an organization, scrounged together data points to show my “impact”, and got that elusive promotion. But when I got to the top, it wasn’t any easier. My manager didn’t share my expertise, I was responsible for an entire discipline, and I put my own growth on the back-burner.

There’s a better way. Work with me and as I have with other clients, we’ll build your confidence, rediscover your worth, reposition your value, build bridges with key decision makers, and chart your path forward.


Empowering Research Teams

Inspirational Speaker & Trainer for
User Experience and Product Research Teams

“UX doesn’t have a seat at the table.” If that’s what you’re saying or hearing, there’s a bigger problem here. It’s a signal that people are not at the center. Speed, business success, and people-focus are not mutually exclusive.

You’re not data gatherers. You’re experience builders. You’re intuition breakers and makers. You’re fundamentally tied to decision making. Work with me and we’ll get your team humming a different tune. One with a strong mission, unparalleled confidence, and a positivity that results in deep business impact and high retention.


Building the Research Function

Fractional Chief Experience Officer &
for Scale-stage Startups

It’s not the standard validation you crave. You want people to tell you you’re wrong. As a founder, you want to train your and your team’s intuition so you can continue to scale your product. You don’t need the traditional UX research function. You crave something deeper.

Work with me and we’ll define a new way for your team to learn, grow, and experience the problems that you’re building to eradicate. We’ll build a strong foundation upon which a culture of innovation and creativity will thrive. Reach out and let’s build a plan today.

I’ve partnered with leaders and teams from some
of your favorite companies & institutions.

I'd love to share my musings with you!

I often write about my experiences at Listen Labs and tips and tricks on people-centered leadership and culture. Sign up if you're interested in joining the conversation!

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I’d love to work with you.