Asif Baki, Founder

Ooh, a whole page dedicated to me? You shouldn’t have. Fine, I’ll take it but trust me you’ll regret it. Queue long soliloquy.

My 16 year tenure at Google ended when my entire division (an internal AI-focused incubator) was laid off as a part of the 12,000-person “reduction-in-force” in January 2023. Hindsight 20/20, I am certain that what happened was the best thing that could have happened to me.

If I had not been laid off, perhaps I would not taken the time to care for myself — to put myself first. I would not have asked myself the hard question, “Now, what?” I would not have realized that what drove me wasn’t “a billion users”. I would not have realized how much I love my colleagues AND they love me too. I would not have asked the question, “Why? What did we do right?” I would not have the audacity to think I could help others. I would have continued to hide behind a big-name brand.

But I was laid off, and so…

It’s my time to give back. It’s my time to teach others what I’ve learned through my ups and downs. It’s my time to help others succeed where I once failed. It’s my time to advocate for the importance of listening and learning. It’s my time to dedicate my time to you.

I’m not what you would call a “traditional UXR” with a “traditional career trajectory.” Yes, I’ve led research teams for products (Windows Media, Google Search, Google Maps, Google Analytics, and more). But the majority of my career was spent doing something different: working globally and working horizontally. These two experiences shaped who I am today.

I am an expert relationship builder, savvy organizational navigator, culturally-sensitive product builder, mission-driven, direct but kind leader, and heart-driven human being. And every one of these qualities owes its development to my roots in research.

“The future is bright for researchers,” many a guru has said. Yes, it is. And I’d be honored to be your confidant as you walk towards that bright future.

I’d love to work with you.